Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Bon/Campfire Poorly Extinguished.
This year's CampFire Night was
Why? Well, first of all, my ticket says the seat is in the CENTERED row. Get it? Centered! And the next thing you know, rain came pouring down and because the event was held out in the school's assembly hall. Which was OUT in the OPEN, the seats were forced to transfer it all in the blardy school hall. And worse of all, they call it FREE SEATINGS! And most people had taken the up and front row! ToT (I feel so cheated) So me and my friends had no choice but to go sit at the back....some 12 bucks wasted...
The theme? Kampong Style they say... but sad to say that certain rules were not followed. Such as followed
(ps - excuse my blur photo's, the show was a disaster anyway) :
PussySlut Dolls Wannabe, dancing.
Lame-Ass Phua Chu Kang Impersenator
(notice the white torn shirt on the right)
PCK Impersenator : Hey hot stuff, can I like bang you?
Really,like Sing-gay-porean style please?!?
They danced...for only 30 seconds.Worst of all, at the end of the event, the MC told the audience to go balik rumah, NO DANCING. Can you believe it? And most people came to the Campfire Night JUST to DO THAT! ToT Anyhoo, the only item I got to remind me what a lousy event that was, here:
Free lah atleast.Well, I'm done talking about the Campfire Night. Seafield Scouts, Thanks for wasting my 12 bucks! T__T
I'm now starting to wear contack lenses! W00t! No more wiping the dust off my spectacle lenses, no more lying on the bed at the side uncomfortably and certainly no more nerd looks! xD
And so I've gone from here...
...To here! ^o^
Contact Lenses 'goodies' <_<
Kena jaga baik-baik tau!Well, 'till here now, I know my blog posts are updated really really really slow due to school and tuition and homework and shitz. My apologies~ Toodles!
The Chemique signing out!
Scribbled at 9:18 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Bon/Campfire Tonight!
Ooh yay! School's having Campfire Night 2007 tonight! Sad to say that this'll be meh last one to go to before my senior year ends D: My first time going to Campfire Night was 2 years ago, I believe the theme was Island maybe? Moving on to last year, I went there again with me buddies and the theme that time was...Street maybe, and now THIS year, the theme is none other...than Kampong Style! o.OW00t w00t! Hehe, I think I'll go there, with normal baju kurung and all and then I'm gonna wear sumthing like them malay village women wears! Serious! If can...maybe I'll post me pictures in the next post once I'm back after the campfire night :3'Till then, toodles and look forward to me next post~!The Chemique signing out!
Scribbled at 3:14 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
This is it!
-Le sighs-
Well, this is it. It's the end of the road. End of the line. End of...mid term holidays ;__;
Granted, I want it to last much much longer. No scratch that, last FOREVER! It's now month 6 and my belly is really beginning to show. xD Kidding, hell no I'm pregnant!
I've had a good time spending the holidays. And now it's back to school, with only like...5 months till the Big Day arrives x_x And by Big Day I mean Ass Pee Emm (SPM) In malay, that's Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. I think it's equivalent to o' levels or the big test you have to take before you finish highschool. Hmm yes.
Well, once school starts, updates on my blog will not go as usual as possible. So when I have the time, I'll blog and I'll tell you what's been goin around in my life lately ok? Good! :]
Ciao! Au Revoir! Auf Wiedersehen! Sayonara! Ja matta ne! Arrivederci! Adios! And Goodbye!
The Chemique signing out~!
Scribbled at 9:04 PM
Friday, June 8, 2007
What I did for the Mid Term Hollies.
It is time people. Time for me to update me blog. I know it's been days, or per say, weeks? But fret not. I'm able to post my pictures with me digicam now, gah! I feel so happy now :333 First, we shall start 'trips' to Malaysia :'D
Huh...have you guessed what this is?
Hint : Malayan's version of 'Eye of London'
Yup, it's the Eye On Malaysia
Didn't plan on it really.
It was a random destination on a weekday <_<
From the front bottom...
The low angle...Highest angle!
Them circle centres.
What I saw :
Apparently, 'something' got on the ride for FREE! xD
Let me zoom it in on ya.
In the end, we simply thought that the ride...
...was simply marvelous :]
And then of course, I went to the SMART Tunnel. Mmmhmm yeah, I know that don't actually count as a 'trip' but what they hey. And just last night, I went to Kampung Kelip-Kelip in Kuala Selangor. That means FireFly Village, where you ride on a boat and they'll take you on a slow, quiet ride to witness one of the most spectacular views in the country, real fireflies! Loads of 'em! Unfortunately since you can only go there after dark, camera's aren't allowed, This is the only picture I can take. For proof of course! ;D
Uhgagaga. ;P
Well, 'till here folks. With me camera in function. I'll now be able to blog with pictures for ye all to see! ^_^ Toodles~
Chemique signing out~!
Scribbled at 6:19 PM