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Hey You!
It's The Blogger!

♥Call her Sara, fo' real.
♥17 Year Old child of November.
♥Dwells in the land of Malaysia.
♥Has already DONE SPM.
♥Now a student at Sunway-Uni.
♥Hopes to relocate to the land down under.
♥A bibliophilic girl with a shoe fetish.
♥Give her your brain with a higher IQ
and she'll marry you for eternity.
♥Has a theory that she'll die
of Rectal Cancer.

♥Discovered something devastating about her birth.

Leave A Message.

While You Were Gone.

May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
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November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008

Allies And Affiliates
Visit These.

Sara's Myspace
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My Imperative Demands.

1. Ipod Touch
2. Chanel No.5
3. A trip to Champs-Élysées.
4. Lady Chatterley's Lover by DH Lawrence.
5. Lord of the Flies by W.Golding.
6. Every SINGLE book written by Nicholas Sparks.
7. Tokio Hotel's Zimmer 483
8. Brain Juice.
9. More tee's with quotes.
10. Waistcoat.
11. Felt Floppy Hat.
12. OMG Hat.
13. Lagoon with my friends.

The Sources.

Picture: here
Designer : DEAD-dolliie

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Gussi and Plada.

I'm back from visiting grandfather's house in Nilai. God, today I felt like a hot mess! (a person who looks as if they've been to hell and back) and I've been listening one too many Air Supply songs.

Sunday today, (no I'm not talking about Nicole & Keith's newborn baby), is sometimes one of the least liked days of my week. It marks the end of a beautiful weekend and then comes the next 5 days of school/work/boredom. I've had a nice week-long holiday though, despite going as far as KL when it comes to traveling. But the good thing was that I went with my best friend, Lilie, who's finally staying here in PJ all the way from Taiping to do 3 of her semesters in PJCAD.

Went to the oh so notorious Petaling Street! Bought an annoyingly yet irresistible blingy stickers, and obviously a couple more counterfeited goods. ;P You tell me which is worse, wearing a Spoofany & Co. bracelet on your wrist or those tens and thousands of countless pirated dvd's piling up near your tv station.

Took quite a number of pictures on my old home. Will blog about it when I have the time. ASAP.


The Chemique signing out~!

Scribbled at 2:35 AM

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Lemon Scraps.

Before I continue this next post, I would like to express my condolences to Mr. Guna, a fellow teacher from my old highschool Seafield. When I first got the news (which was a day after the actual event THANKS to Aymann -__- ) I was deeply and utterly surprised. He was a teacher who taught English to Form 5 students I believe. I may not know much about the man but I remember helping him out sorting the student's papers when I was a librarian back when I was Form 2 and he was a good, gentle and kind man. It is a shame that he died tragically. (Won't detailed on about his cause of death, I'm abit superstitious ._____.;; )

I guess perhaps God wanted him abit too soon? Who knows...

Anyhoo, yesterday was mom's beloved birthday. To show her how much we really love her, me and Sof got together and made Lemon Squares!

Messy table. Although the recipe to make it was quite alright. Nothing too fancy like making a souffle or nothing. Lemon squares consist of a lemony filling on top of a crusty biscuit-like base.

We first made the crust.

Budak ini berasal dari Kampung Mungkal.

Then we made the filling.

Then I came up with a dare, "Hey I dare you to drink the lemon juice...!" Mind you that it was FRESHLY SQUEEZED from a real yellow lemon >DDD

Here goes... -gulps-

Obviously you can tell from our sorry-ass faces of expression. Not to mention...

...I too, took part! D:

As soon as our crust was baked, we then filled in the filling on top of the crust and let to bake for another half an hour~


In goes the yellow slime

Looks more like melted choc. chip. ice cream~

The result was...okay. I'd say a 5 outta 10 for our rating, consider it was our first try after all. And as for mom? She said it was okay too and added a funny remark,

"At this rate, maybe you guys shouldn't open a bakery store for now... =D "

LoL, and that's why we love her~

The Chemique signing out~!

: Is This Love? by Bob Marley

Scribbled at 9:34 PM

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Finally, first semester is over and after our previous week of EE's, we Ausmatians finally gotten ourselves a BREAK! Only have one week of holidays though. Not much but better than nothing. I bet most of them are holidaying it up at oversea countries. As for me? I just go to Tanjung Rambutan lah, much more simple ;) Kidding, it's totally fictitious, but of course, I don't think I'll be going anywhere this whole week.

Okay, if it's one thing I don't understand sometimes, its the censorship system in Malaysia. Picture this, I was in the car on the way to my destination and the radio plays the catchy yet controversial song 'I Kissed A Girl' sung by Katy Perry. Any of you who don't know what I'm talking about can view the whole thing here. See? I've even taken the liberty of providing you the video complete with lyrics. Y'all should love me! TwT

Anyhoo, it focuses primarily on the chorus. Being a female singer, she sang like this:

I kissed a girl and I liked it,
The taste of her cherry chapstick,
I kissed a girl just to try it,
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it,

You listen to the radio, obviously they would censor the word 'girl' and that's all. BUT! Come on! People are BOUND to find out exactly WHAT they censored or WHO she kissed. And next, you look at the second line, the word 'her' wasn't censored on the radio BUT if I were a stupid teenybopper or tween hearing this song for the first time, God knows I'd figured it out anyhow! What the eff? You might as well not let that song being played on on the radio in the first place! Man...the things they do to get listeners on the radio these days...

Enough with that, I now want to talk about happier things. I've finally gotten myself a book shelf. Thumbs up for me! =D

Before, it used to be this. If you're actually wondering, that's actually a shoe rack. We didn't have much use for it at the time, so I took it. Originally I had a TV placed on top of it but it was of little use to me, hence I removed it.

For a shoe rack, you can put so much more than just a couple pair of sneakers and heels. But of course, one has to have proper furniture in one's room. So we went to Ikea to get my proper book shelf.

Most tiring part of all is the build-up. You know when you buy Ikea products they have simple instructions booklet for you to sort it out? Well, mine took 3-4 hours to complete. Because it's 80 cm tall!.

Nearly done and the kitties have already grown an instant liking to it! =D

Sorry if this picture seems abit tilted. But I'm no Leibovitz, mind you.

Starting from the top most, are ones I've done ready and might probably not read it again perhaps, in the mean time. I've even added my 5 school magazines just for the occasion.

Second shelf are my usual collection of books. You'll find that I am an absolute fan of Roald Dahl and Nicholas Sparks.

Third and middle part of the book shelf. Soon to be filled with crap novelty items like that magic 8 ball, rubiks cube and maybe a plastic slinky soon.

Last three rows are my entertainment items. Bottom most are my animes.

Once upon a time, I was 14 years old and my cousin was at my place and he wanted to watch Ranma 1/2 on AXN channel. I instantly began to take a liking to it. My friends back in Seafield were all anime-crazed and I too joined in the forces. And from that day since, I fell inlove with animes and we sometimes had funny delusional dreams that we were married to some of the male characters in some of the anime. My obsession only lasted 'till my PMR year but it was fun while it lasted. =)

Well, I think I'll stop here now. I know it's been quite some time I last blogged cause I was out and about this whole week. Tune in...

Scribbled at 2:00 AM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rolling Like A Celebrity.

Hey y'all!

I'm really sorry for the slow updates since 965 days ago. This is due to Topic Tests, revisions, and last but definitely not the least, PLAY REHEARSAL!!!

Dear Lord I swore I had minute time to even pee at the toilet last week!! But along the way, I've discovered the joy of the silence -hush!- spent revising in the library. ---3---

Today I will be talking about my EALD group's play rehearsal. About 2-3 weeks ago Ms. Priya assigned us into groups and conduct play based on a folktale which will be one of our assessment, I think it was the speaking assessment perhaps. If you've been reading my blog like kow tow, you're aware that my group will be doing this folktale called The Hidden One. It's a Native American legend and to put things short, here's how the story goes (for all you who wanna see pictures than rather read shit):

Yea, I ought to be getting a B-- for my whole summary. -___-

Anyway, YES! Onto pictures! But before that, thanks to Jun Seng for sending me the lovely pictures. =)

Jin Han, getting ready to play the lead actor.

Tino, in charge of costumes & make up department.

Some are getting ready eagerly.

Me putting on face paint for Yi Chying

Finally she gets hers. ;D

Jin Han aka Hidden One, done with his face pai

"You have the tendency to SMILE alot, even during our play!"
-Can't help but...smile?-

"I think the matador's gonna be pissed with this scarf

How 'Boy' managed to grow a beard and mustache is beyond reason.

Too cool for this tribe.

Sherene! Our dear director and one of the fellow narrator

"Hao.....do you do? Hehe"

Face paint for Ehrire. He's from Nigeria and he plays the role of Father.

Despite the events of little attendance, incomplete cooperation of the group, frequent procrastination (ahem, ahem, that would be me)...we've all managed to pull it off quite successfully. Gaining 10 points for costume/props, for performance, and 9 points for our teamwork. Not bad at all! =)

Group photo!

With Ms. Priya in an uncomfortable squat position. .____.

Now with the whole play thing is over, I feel more of a breather. For now, that is.

I'm rather looking forward to today. Finally gonna go to Ikea and buy myself a bookshelf! YES!! This is good. Atleast there'll be more to blog about in the coming future.

Oh! oh! OH!!! Tomorrow morning! Germany versus Spain! SHIT!! Hahaha. I'm digging for Deutchland ALL the way! And the funny thing is, the sister is hoping for Spain ALL the way! O___O Sibling rivalry, me liiiike ;D And the good thing, since tomorrow the Ausmat's will be sitting for their Calculus & Physics exam, I don't need to go to College! Yay for me! Get to stay up and watch the match! x)

Well, 'till here now, off to Ikea! Ta!

The Chemique signing out~!

: Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? by Bryan Adams

Scribbled at 7:04 PM

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Martial Slumber.

Sighs...I suppose life could be easier if you lead a feline life.

According to research, cats usually, and I do mean USUALLY sleep for about 14 hours a day. That's like spending two-thirds of your daytime napping!

They don't have much worries in their life, considered that they have 'nine' lives or so the legend told. You look at this one you'd go 'aww so cute!' and have very pleased thoughts. You look at ME doing that, you'll have displeasing thoughts. -_____-

I watched Kung Fu Panda today, online and free. =) Hehe, now now don't give me that nasty look that says I-paid-10-bucks-and-she-gets-to-watch-for-free-look. I watched it because I was dead and practically succumbing to boredom in my own house. Plus I rarely watch movies in the theaters nowadays I can't even remember what movie I last watched! -Gasp- Oh wait, it's coming back to me. Yea, I watched Narnia. Boring story, boring characters, I hate the lion, I love Prince Caspian. Someday he'll be my buttboy perhaps? xD One can only wonder...


We went out and dad wanted to try the new C-Class. I'm not surprised that their functionalities and the sound system is quite impressive. Obviously it's because it's a frikkin MERCEDES lah you turd! Of course it's GOT to be impressive! D< (Btw I'm not pointing out to anybody that's a turd. I was pointing it out to me, ho hum...!) Well, I guess 'till here now, cheerio!

Oh and by the way, last Friday the Ausmat's had EALD EE1 right? Well...I raped the paper with stupid answers. And they expect US puny little Malaysian kids to know the differences between politics AND citizenship. Sigh, why can't I just write something like:

"Politics, politics lah! And citizenship, citizenship lah! You know it, I know it, we all know it. Period! Noktah!"

Now give me my 5 marks! =)

The Chemique signing out~!

Scribbled at 11:11 PM

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Face Fears.

There comes a time when a little kid is not afraid of sleeping without the night light anymore. Or will stop to believe that there's a nasty lil' leprechaun hiding in his closet. Or when a teenage girl would stop to believe that chocolates give you acne. In my case however, when it comes to facing fears, this one's abit light and not too serious. I....am....finally.....not afraid...

Of Charles Lee Ray, better known as...Chucky!

(Yea I know, if I weren't so scared of him anymore I'd put his picture right now but that part I can't do cause his dilating pupils still gives me the shivers. .____.)

Know why? 'Cause today I've finally had the guts to watch Child's Play from beginning to the end! (In broad day light of course ;P )

The reason why I was so scared of him was because I watched him in the movie for like...15 seconds, and I was 7, and he scared the SHIT right outta me! Since then on, I hated baby dolls or human-related dolls that I'll make sure that MY kids will grow up with stuffed animals instead x). Saved for that plastic putz Barbie of course. If I happen to be in a vcd store, and I happen to come across Child's Play cd, I'd freak. I think it was because of that eerily scary face and that striking red hair of his.

But now, fast forwarding 11 years did took me to get over Chucky. Not only that, his frightful reputation has been downgraded to comedic sequels! xD

Well, now I got over part 1, my next step is watching part 2 and 3. Mind you that I am typing this at 10.50 pm. Hopefully I won't get much of a shock.

Until then, 'ta!

The Chemique signing out~!

Scribbled at 9:31 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2008
No Sleep Tonight.


Nothing to blog about lately due to Topic Tests, Evaluation Exams, Presentations, Rehearsals, and violent diarrhea PMS mood. Haha I hope I'll not jinxed what I stroked out.

Finally went to get my Wechsler report from Gerard, a 2nd year psychology student. Results? I have an IQ that spans far greater than the length of the Great Wall of China. Walao-weh I sound so belagak. Hahaha. No actually, just...average. =) I'm OK with that. At least it makes me a fully functional human, to say the least. Makes me feel like I'm Einstein when compared to whale poo... More basically, I have an average IQ just like the other 6.7 billion people living in this world. -___-

Bart Simpson: Do you know that humans use 10% of their brain capacity?
Lisa Simpson: Yea, so?
Bart Simpson: Well I am ONE of them now!

Just thought up of that funny quote I found from The Simpson. And--

Oh my god! I've just found out that the computers here in Sunway have this little cute messaging thing from the Novell. How convenient is that? xD *jakun-ness!*

Anyway, back to where I was. College has been severely hectic for me this week. I had to finish up my Little Miss Sunshine essay, re-do the script for the play, revised on my Economics EE1 (Oh my GOD don't you even TRY asking me how I did it!! T.T) and presented the bloody bird on my Bio. Hahaha I knew from the very beginning the classmates were BORED when I and my group mates talked about CRAP and WHATNOT! Come to think of it, I wasn't surprised, I knew it had it coming.

Tomorrow,I and 300+ students will be having out EALD EE1. The good side: Chemistry and Miss Jay's classes will be cancelled. Bad side: The EE1 paper wil SWARM you with bombastic words and ask you questions like 'What came first? The chicken or the egg?'

Haha, I know they won't ask like that lah. But there will still be hard questions that I'll expect.

The Chemique signing out~!

: Can You Hear Me? by Enrique Iglesias

Scribbled at 2:04 PM